"Packing & Moving Materials"
As a professional moving company our movers are trained to wrap all the furniture with moving blankets to prevent damages.

Get Organized and Start Packing Early
The best way to make sure you have gotten everything is to open up all of the doors and crack open all of the drawers. Once you have packed up all the items in that area, make sure you close it to signal that it has been completely packed. Avoid mixing items from different rooms in the same box. Use wardrobe boxes to make closets easier to pack (you can leave your clothes on their hangers!). Clothes in drawers can be placed in suitcases. You can never use enough packing paper to ensure items stay protected. Always stack dishes upwards when packing, and avoid breakage by using custom-designed boxes. It’s also a good idea to avoid wrapping china in newsprint; the ink can stain your dishes. Save time for the kitchen. It takes the longest to pack up because you have to make sure everything is individually wrapped.
Prep Your Belongings For a
Smooth Move-In
Try to pack all electronic equipment, like TVs and stereos, in their original boxes. Otherwise use bubble wrap to protect these items. When packing your own items, be sure to always close and tape a box. Open boxes are more difficult to handle, and items may fall out. Open boxes also take more space. Pack important and sentimental documents separately to be easily accessible—children’s health records, passports, family records, insurance information, and photo albums.Make sure you label your boxes for where you want them to go and not where they came from. For example, if something came from your basement, but you want it to go in the playroom, make sure you label “playroom” on the box so it ends up in the correct space from the get-go.